I read somewhere that someone could actually die from loneliness....
10:25 p.m. | 2003-04-02

Loneliness has started to take over.

The doorbell rang twice tonight and I jumped up and bolted towards it in hopes that it just might be for me�

I didn�t really care whom. Just someone who was thinking about me enough to come by�

Once it was the UPS guy�

The second time it was my sister�s boyfriend.

My phone rang four times today too�

Each time I answered it before the first ring had even ended�

I frantically said hello, hoping that the person on the other end missed me enough to call�

First it was a telemarketer trying to sell me a newspaper�

Second time it was a wrong number�

Third was another telemarketer wanting me to buy life insurance�

Fourth was my mother wanting to know if I needed anything from the grocery store�

I asked for a bottle of rum.

She got me orange juice instead�.

I don�t know how much more of this I can take�

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