When I am Queen...phone fibbing will result in CASTRATION!!!! HA!!!!
7:03 p.m. | 2003-11-04

I swear, everyone and their mother has annoyed the hell out of me the last few days...

I took a two hour drive last night just because I knew that if I came in contact with one more human I was going to commit murder...


I drove through four different cities, sat in an empty parking lot and read my bible, and found a Starbucks that was open so I could enjoy a tasty Caramel Frappacino....

You know what I hate more than almost anything else???

When people say they will "call you back" or that they will "call you later", and then they don't....

I deeply believe that phone call fibbing is grounds for castration...

I can't wait until I'm Queen....

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