The World Would be a Better Place if...
To me, the world would be a better place if there weren't so many stupid people. I think about all the people who make decisions that effect our lives. The doctors who make advancements in curing diseases, the engineers that design skyscrapers, the navigators that map out a plane's flight path. I think about all these amazing people, and then I wonder what the hell happen to everyone else.
Currently, I am employed as a CSR for Blockbuster video, and I swear to you, there must be a sign on the front door that says, "Idiots Welcome". First of all, I see no reason why companies still put the words "push" and "pull" on the front door of a store. Some of our brightest customers will ignore the push sign and tug, pull, kick, and struggle to get inside. But my favorite part is after they stand outside for five minutes, they look at me through the glass and mouth the words, "Are you open."
But honestly, my work day isn't complete until I get approached my a customer who just starts speaking Spanish to me, and then looks at me retarded when I don't respond. Then after I tell them I don't get what the heck they are trying to say�they speak perfectly good English to me�this happens�really�I mean geeze�what country are we in??
But if that isn't bad enough I just love when people forget to bring back their movies on time and are charged late fees. Every movie in the store is due back before noon on the due date. We have it printed on the receipts, it is on a chart on the back of every movie, and it is hanging on the door as you exit the store. But needless to say, people still don't comprehend the concept of NOON. I think that from now on we should just say LUNCH TIME. I mean geeze, these people drive on the same roads as I do�that scares me�