5:42 p.m. | 2001-10-09
I have no idea why but I have been sleeping WAAAAAAYY too much lately. Last night I went to sleep at around 2am and didn't wake up until around 2pm. And I had to force myself to wake up. Plus I haven't felt the greatest lately. Like, I've felt really really...BLAH...
Maybe it's mono.
Yesterday at work this really old mexican lady came in and tried to rent movies but she didn't have her ID. And since we have to check ID with every customer, this didn't go over very well with her. But lucky for me I was on break and only saw the hilarious situation that poor Alex had to deal with. Now when you read the following make sure you read the ladies part with a very heavy accent...
Alex : Can I see your ID please
Little old Mexican Lady : Me no have one
Alex : I have to see an ID with every customer ma'am
Mexican Lady : YOU UGLY!!!
I fell on the floor laughing.