A religious experience
10:46 a.m. | 2001-10-25
Last night I went to church for the first time ever. And I have to say I really enjoyed myself. At first I was extremely nervous. I never do well around people I don't know. I get nervous and really shy. And this always hurts my social life because people get the wrong idea about me and judge me before they really get to know me. This usually stops me from meeting new people all together for fear of rejection and unexceptance. But Bernie kept reasurring me that everything was going to be ok and it wouldn't be scary at all once I got there.....he was right.
I have never met so many friendly people ever in my life. As soon as Bernie and I walked up he began intrtoducing me to the people around. Everyone smiled and shook my hand. Even people that he didn't introduce me to came up to me on their own and introduced themselves. It was so stange to me. I've never seen people do that before. It made me feel so much better about being there. Bernie didn't leave my side the whole time. Which made me alot more comfortable. Bernie even introduced me to the hot blue haired guy I saw at the football game last sunday. Let me tell you he looks even better close up!!!....gggrrr...Chris spoke. And the the band played. And for some reason. I started to cry. not a bad cry, I just felt like crying so I did. I looked around me and everyone was singing along to the music. So I joined in.
When I left I felt so good. Bernie asked me if i liked it.....I said yes....
Afterwards we went to Bernie's sister's house. their other friend Jeff was there too and we all played the board game LIFE. Needless to say I lost horribly....and Bernie won. Then some of their other friends came over and we all watched TOMMY BOY.
I had alot of fun and I really liked hanging out with Bernie. But the bad part is that I think I'm starting to fall for Bernie again. That's probably not a good thing. I really need to talk to Greg.
Anyway, Bernie and I are suppose to hang out again Friday night. He wants to go eat at Johnny Rockets. And Saturday we might go down and see my cuz cause she works at a body shop and Bernie wants to get his car looked at.
All and all I had a good night. But Christian people sure burp lot....