2:23 p.m. | 2001-12-02
And what I good day it has been so far. And it's only 2pm!!!
My mother came in my room this morning and hung a "happy birthday" banner when I was in the shower. And since she can't cook or bake she made me some of those oven bake breakfast biskets that comes in a tin can. She even put rainbow sprinkles on them and sang me happy birthday.
I laughed.
Ashley wanted to take me to lunch after church. I told her that was kool and I thought it was just going to be the two of us but...by the grace of God....Matt wanted to come too. Of course I had no objections to this...hehe...
Did I mention how cute he was??
ok sorry...
He told me that Difying Gravity is playing tonight down in Redondo Beach and he asked if we wanted to come watch. So, that is what Imma do tonight. It's gonna be a good day...
Today at Church, 5 people got saved......
it's a good day....