Gregie's birthday
3:55 p.m. | 2001-12-15
Last night was great!!!!
We all ended up going out for Gregie's birthday. Maybe I wouldn't call it actually going out. We spent most of the time at the Dorm messing around and having a fake food fight...
Remember when you were little they used to have like, those plastic food sets you could by at Toys R Us?? They came with fake hot dogs, and pizza slices, sandwich bread, and donuts with pink frosting???
well, apparently the boys were cleaning out some part of the church a few weeks ago and they came along a box of this old fake food. And since they had a bare Christmas tree at home they decided to decorate it with the fake food. So basically they have a dead brown Christmas tree in their dorm with plastic food hanging off of it...
I call it creativity....
I think Brian G. started the fight by throwing a piece of fake bologna at Matt...
Then everything got crazy. Before I knew it I was dodging flying cupcakes and pizza slices.
Eventually we all got bored of that and since it was almost 11pm we wanted to go do something before it got to late.
We ended up going to Starbucks.
Matt didn't want to drive, and Brian G. didn't have any gas in his truck so the boys all crammed into Greg's car. At Starbucks I think I started a trend with everyone because almost all of us got Tazzoberry drinks. I love that stuff. Matt asked what it was exactly and since I didn�t do well explaining it to him I just let him try it. He liked it. So we shared.
We started talking a little. Everyone else was gathered around a tiny table looking at newspapers and talking amongst themselves. Matt and I stood in the back. We talked about music, school, church, my truck (which he digs), work etc.
It started to get late and some of us left. The girls and I really didn�t want to go home and neither did Greg, Jarett, or Matt.
So to Denny�s we went.
OH!!! I mustn�t forget to mention when Greg embarrassed the crap out of me./P>
As Matt was looking through my agenda, Greg yells from across the table;
�Hey Matt, there is a place for PHONE NUMBERS in the back!!!�
I put my head down on the table.
Utter humiliation
As you can see, subtlety is not Greg�s strong suit�. Neither is thinking�.