A Walk to Remember...
11:10 p.m. | 2002-02-12
So, I did what I said I was going to do and I went and saw "A Walk to Remember".
I was the only one in the theater.
Just me and my cherry icee.
I didn't think it was going to be that good.
And I have to say that if I wasn't religious and I wasn't crushing on someone, I probably would have been right.
Brian G. said that it made him want to find "The One".
Ashley said that it made her want to tell her "Love Interest" just how she felt. Her reasoning when I asked why she would want to do such a thing;
"Because I never want to wonder, well what if??"
And then there is Matt who said that Shane West's mother in the movie looked like a man.
But honestly, it was a sad movie.
However, not very realistic.
For example,
Real boys don't drive around in pretty red mustangs.
And Real boys don't leave me flowers on my door step.
And Real boys don't all of the sudden notice me after ignoring me for my entire life.
They've never bought me little pink sweaters, just because.
And they've never danced with me on my porch.
I've never had a star named after me.
And no Real boy has ever told me he loves me, and meant it.
But it's nice to think about.
Dream about...
I cried.
I cried until my tears blurred my vision. I cried until my chest hurt and my breath caught short at every inhale.
That's when I knew it wasn't just a movie...
Sometimes I think my pessimism gets the best of me.
And then that worries me because i don't want that to get in the way of my faith.
But it's not God I'm pessimistic about...
It's me.
I believe that God does have someone perfect for me.
But I'm scared I'll have such a fear of rejection I won't realize who he is when God shows him to me.
So I cried.