Matt likes to suck his teeth...and happy trails to Brandon...
10:28 a.m. | 2002-02-14
Just when I think he can't get any better...
He gets his braces off...
The only funny part was when he was praying into the mic last night after worship.
He kept sucking his teeth...
ok onward...
Yesterday Brandon and I had an interesting conversation:
Brandon: Hey Krystle, remember when you got mad at me for shaving off my happy trail?
ME: Yes
Brandon: Well, (lifting up his shirt) I'm growing it back just for you!
ME: That's great Brandon (looking away as fast as I can. And turning completely red.)
Dave: What is so great about a happy trail?
ME: It's my favorite thing on a guy
Brandon: Yeah, she likes happy trails, piercings, and tattoos, which still makes me wonder why she isn't totally in love with me.