Goldy's got back up!!!!
10:52 a.m. | 2002-02-19
When I woke up yesterday morning, I never thought by the end of the night I'd be at a hospital out in Riverside.
But that is what happened.
Poor John and Mary.
I pray for their father.
So anyway, When we finally get back to the chruch, I get out of Greg's car and find my truck has been blocked in my Justin's stupid bug.
The terd parked his little time machine directly in back of my truck on purpose as a joke.
Goldy was not happy.
I was just going to run it over but Greg insisted I didn't.
Sometimes he is just too nice.
That is when my hero's came to my rescue.
Brian M, Greg, and Brent just picked up the tin can and moved it out of my way.
There I was throwing a fit and I look over and see them totally lifting it up and moving it!
Take that Justin.
That'll learn you!!!
Goldy's got back up foo!!!