my ovaries are falling out...
11:46 p.m. | 2002-03-24
Today at church Brian G decided to sit in front of me during service.
His massively large head blocked my entire view of the alter.
I finally got so tired of trying to look around him...
So I wrote a poem.
Not about his gigantic head or anything...just a poem...
so go read it in the poems and stories link above...
in other news...
My ovaries are hurting!
I think they are going to fall off....
or out...
And Aaron made it worse tonight when he stepped on my butt while I was laying on the floor in the gym.
It pull pressure on my lower stomach and inevitably on my ovaries which made me scream out in pain...
Everyone stopped and looked at me.
Then Brandon decided to ask me if I was in heat.
I ignored his question.
I just kept coloring in my new "Precious Moments" coloring book I got at the 99cent store.
Yes, I still like to color....What of it!!!!
I need a heating pad....