Ashley got thonged...and Greg is my daddy...
10:16 a.m. | 2002-04-06
Ash and I have had this bet going for a few months now...And as of Wednesday...
she lost...
So that means she would have wear a thong for a whole day...
(note: She hates thongs..and has never worn strange is that...and since I knew this bit of information...that was the terms of the bet...cause..yeah...I suck like that)
So I went to the mall and bought her this cute little purple one with pretty flowers on it...
She was horrified when I took her into the bathroom to try it on... was a struggle...but she did it...
she went prancing around the bathroom screaming...
"I like it!!!...I like it!!!...I can't even feel it...I'M WEARING A THONG!!"
I was so proud...
So then we decided that since she liked it so much that we would go shopping for more thongs and bra's the next day...
But we ended up having company on our little shopping adventure...
oh yes....Greg and Brian M decided that they wanted to go with us to the um...return some stuff...
big fat liars...
They tried to invite Brian G. too but luckly..he wasn't home...
So they followed us into STYLES towards the front counter where all the pretty thongs were...
Ash and I started digging through the pile...
" will be...ah....outside" Greg stuttered
The two little pansies went running out of the store.
After we each got a few thongs we went out to meet the boys...
They looked somewhat disturbed but intrigued.
They amuse me...
Next was bra's.
Now this time, the boys actually stuck around and helped us.
I wanted to fine a bra that was flesh colored and strapless.
I looked around the entire bra department and I still couldn't fine one...
I was starting to get discouraged when Greg yelled..
Getting all excited I screamed out "PAULIE SHORE"...
But since Greg had found my bra for me...I'm guessing that he expected to be my daddy for the day.
I said ok...
So yeah, he found my bra for me and strangely in the size...
It was a fun day.
And I wasn't suppose to write any of this cause Greg would get embarrassed..
luckily, I don't give a hoot about what Greg!!!
"thong, tha thong thong thong..."