Ashley's button popped off...and I got brusies
6:50 p.m. | 2002-04-14
Today Ashley�s stuck her hand down her pants and her button popped off�
We didn�t have a safety pin so I tried to use a paper clip�
That didn�t work�
So she just walked around with her pants undone
Then we stole Greg�s car and went to Del Taco cause we wanted pink lemonade�
Don�t tell Greg but the head rests to his seats aren�t stolen�they are just in his trunk.
And the necklace that was around his rear view mirror�
It�s now around my neck�
I�m not planning on giving it back
And I have two incredibly large bruises on my chin from wrestling with Brian G the other night�
Believe me, he got the worst of it�
He wasn�t aware of just how extremely buff I was�
I showed him�