Cause I'm da koolest!!!
2:02 p.m. | 2002-05-12
So, if you didn't know it already, I'm just one big ball of talent!, really...I am.
I can dance. draw. write. and sing. Well...I CAN sing...weither or not I'd consider it good is a different story....but anyway,
What was my point?
Oh yes, I'm just bursting at the seams with TALENT!!!!
Or atleast that is what I told Ashley when she was worried about what she was going to do with her hair for the Spring Formal next week at church.
"I can do your hair!" I announced with convidence. "I used to do hair all the time!"
HA! Man I must be a terrific fibber cause Ash actually believe me...
And honestly, I didn't do that bad.
I mean after the bleeding stopped from the bobby pin wounds and the blood dried enough to brush it out, it didn't look half bad.
And I promised her that next time I wouldn't confuse the hair spray bottle with the LYSOL
And I'm almost positive that that patch of hair on the side will grow back.
And if not, there is always the comb over idea...
It seems to work for all those News ancors on TV...
Go Ted Copell!!!
I have to pee now....