Next time you have to pee like a mofo...don't do what I did...
2:28 a.m. | 2002-05-21
Last night I fell in the toilet...
Allow me to explain...
So I was driving home from Greg's when it hit me. You know, that tingling sensation that makes you wanna cross your legs.
Yeah, that one.
And since Greg lives about 15 minutes from me, the sensation was getting worse by the minute.
By the time I got home I had to pee like a mofo.
When I hit the bathroom I did't turn the dimmer switch all the way on cause I was trying to pull down my pants at the same time...
And that's when it hit me...
Well, that is when I hit the porcelain.
Someone decided to leave the toilet seat up.
Unbeknownst to me.
Man, All I wanted to do was pee. That's it. Just pee.
I wasn't expecting to be drowning in toilet water while my feet flew over my head.
In dim light.
I ended up just taking a shower.
Why can't boys just sit down and pee like the rest of us...
dang it