She had no teeth, but plenty of arm fat...
6:04 p.m. | 2002-05-27
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before but,
Even worse than that.
He is the most ignorant, incompetent, and dull boss I have ever had.
I usually spend half of my work day trying to de-code his slurred and mumbled spanish accent. The other half of my day is spent trying to figure out what he is trying to tell me with his generic sign language and hand gestures.
He's an idiot.
And I dislike him royally.
Not to mention the fact he calls me Carol.
I finally got sick of trying to make him understand that my name wasn't Carol, so now I just answer to it.
So sad.
But if there is one thing I hate more than my boss and my job it's the wonderful customers that grace me with their presence when I'm having a bad enough day already.
Like today for instance.
This, rather large woman comes in and informs me in her deep dyke-like voice that the movie she bought last night doesn't work.
Of course we didn't have another copy of that movie to exchange it with, so I politely ask her if she would like to exchange it for a different movie.
She didn't like that idea.
After five minutes of her barking at me I was able to drowned out the sound of her voice.
I just stood there. Watching her jaw wiggle up and down under the weight of her four chins.
But as if watching her struggling jaw wasn't a wonderous sight by its self, the graceful jiggle of her lose arm skin was enough to make me want to regurgitate my sausage Mcmuffin.
I could only wonder why a woman would rather purchase used blockbuster movies than buy herself a front tooth.
Ah, the joys of working in customer service.
someone please shoot me...