My feelings on AWAY MESSAGES
12:14 p.m. | 2002-05-31
Why is it that when I have an "away message" up on my instant messenger, everybody and their freakin mom IM's me. But when I'm sitting here bored to death, I am never graced with the annoying chime of an instant message box popping up...
People are freakin weird.
I mean, do people think I'm just sitting here with an away message up for my own amusement. That I'm using some sort of reverse psychology on everyone to make them IM me....
Because I'm not.
Either I'm doing something and I don't wanna be freakin bothered, or I'm not even in the room.
However, the other day I did find this particular IM amusing...I am protecting this person by changing their screenname to Really Annoying Person I Have A Hard Time Sitting Next to In Church....
ReallyAnnoyingPerson: HI!
Auto Away Message for Goldylockz22: TODAY WAS A WASTE OF MAKEUP...
RAP: Really, why?
RAP: What happened??
*ten minutes later*
RAP: Are you there?? Krystle??? HELLO!
RAP: Why did you waste your makeup today??
RAP: Did something bad happen??
*ten more minutes later*
RAP: Hi Krystle!
RAP: Are you back yet!?
RAP: Krystle?
RAP: Is this Krystle's sister?
RAP: Ok, I gtg
RAP: Love ya!
Oh man, some people are just too retarded for their own good...