I'm a dork
12:28 a.m. | 2002-06-17
So I have this history of falling for boys who have absolutely no interest in me.
And without fail I've done it again.
And I was doing so good too!
Like, I got over Matt...and was doing so well being anti-boy for like, the past 4 months
and then BOOM!
out of freakin nowhere, I'm crushin on---
ugh! give me three days and hopefully I'll be over it.
Well, unless Brian M has anything to say about it.
He loves the idea of me and this person.
And I'm stupid because I ALWAYS say I can get over a boy in three days and I never do.
But it's going good.
This person is so freakin clueless and oblivious to the entire situation it's amazing.
And better for me.
God, help me!