playing catch up....
9:36 a.m. | 2002-09-13
I haven't updated in a while.
That might be because nothing kool has happened lately that even I find interesting enough to write about....
let's see...
Last night we had our College Bible Study kick off thingy
it was fun.
D:fyinGrav:T played.
They were awesome as usual.
Then everyone did these game type things in the gym.
I just watched. Mainly because I wasn't about to subject myself to the chances of breaking a sweat just to help my team win the three legged man race.
oh heck no.
Aaron looks funny doing a cartwheel.
But not as funny as Brian.
Speaking of Aaron he got me good last night.
And no, not in that way.
After everyone left we laid in the back of my truck and talked all night.
I made the comment that the chruch looked really scary at night with the lights all off and everything still and quiet.
"You know the church is haunted right?" he asked.
"haunted?!" I exclaimed.
"You know, by Demons."
"um, no I didn't know that but thanks for letting me know...jerk."
"Well, I've never seen anything weird, but I few years back a couple of my friends were doing some maintenance in the Sanctuary"
"NO! now you have to tell me you can't just start and not finish you crackhead!"
"Nah, it's ok....just forget it."
"Ok, I'll do anything just tell me."
"Um....I'll give you a lollypop."
"I'll be your best friend."
"I'll....scratch your back..."
"Ok..and you'll buy me Jamba Juice."
"ok fine you leech."
So yeah...he told me the story and it freaked me the crap out. I'll never go in the Sactuary again by myself.
Then I bought him Jamba Juice.
Then we sat in my truck and he fell asleep as I scratched his head and back.
He's so cute when he sleeps.
Except when he snores.
That's not cute.
Doesn't this picture just make you wanna learn how to play guitar?!
He's just too sexy for words.
I can't wait to go see him play next month.
The rest of his band is pretty cute too
ok bye