Creed cancelled and my dog ran away....yippie
4:13 p.m. | 2002-10-11
I'm sucha slacker...
Well as you all know my CREED concert was on Tuesday.
Yes, I have been talking about it for months.
Anticipating the fun it was going to be.
Well Tuesday finally came.
And just an hour and a half before the concert was going to start....
Apparently Scott Stabb has a severe illness.
How heartbreaking.
The whole night ruined.
A perfect ending to the already crappy day I had experienced.
But my crappy day didn't end there...
oh no no no...
My dog decided to run away too.
oh yeah that was fun.
My dad decided to leave the door open when he came home from work.
We all noticed my missing dog a half an hour later
So there I went....
Crazy that is.
Running down my street at 10pm screaming my dogs name with tears in my eyes.
And there was Aaron.
Running behind me.
Screaming at me to put some shoes on.
We found her.
Four blocks away...down near the boulevard...peeing on a tree.
Stupid dog.
I was glad when that day ended...
Other than that....
Things are about the same.
Aaron is upset because I didn't bring him lunch today at work like I promised.
He's so cute when he's hungry and upset.
Ashley and I haven't talked or hung out lately.
Not too upset.
I think we need a break from each other.
Plus if I hear her say the word Brian one more time I will be forced to choke her to death.
I'm hungry.
and my boobs hurt.
I think it's cause I'm going to start my period.