All I want for Christmas is....
11:08 a.m. | 2002-12-11
Today dad emailed me from work and asked me for a list of what I want for Christmas....he also asked for a list of what he shouldn't get me cause he doesn't want another Christmas of me not speaking to him for three days...
Last year he got me an electric blanket...
I cried.
The year before that...
He got me a caca green snow jacket...
I returned it for cash.
He's really bad at this...
I find it somewhat strange that we live in Southern California and he feels the need to buy me things that keep me warm.
I think he has a complex about this...
Anyway, here is the list I sent back to him...
All I want for Christmas is�
1. An AA degree�
2. A paid off truck�
3. A pony�
That is all�
What I don�t want for Christmas is�
1. Itchy sweaters that stretch out with you wash them�
2. A blockbuster gift certificate�. because I will kick you�
3. Anything you would otherwise buy Grandma�
That is all�
Have a nice day�