February is stupid
1:51 p.m. | 2003-01-31
Just two more weeks until that stupid day that always leaves me depressed and cursing my own existence.
I think this year I'm going to save myself the trouble and just drug myself late on the night of the 13th and hopefully I'll just sleep right on through Valentines Day.
That would be beautiful.
I hate the red hearts�
The stupid cartoon cards�.
The cupid dolls�
You know that I am 20 years old and I have NEVER in my life had a Valentine.
Not even when I was in elementary school and the extent of having a Valentine meant standing in lunch line together�
I was dumped on Valentines Day once�.
It was my first boyfriend Andrew�
The jerk.
My friend recently Instant massaged me and asked if I knew any good restaurants that her and her boyfriend could go to on the 14th.
I told her to suck my toe.
The she proceeds to tell me that Valentines Day was the greatest day ever and this year was going to be so wonderful and blah blah blah�
The she asked me what I was doing�.
So I told her my master plan of drugging myself then driving off a cliff�.
She thinks I'm nuts now.
Ugh�this sucks�
No one loves me.
Not even my dog.
My dog is supposed to love me but she won't even let me pet her anymore.
The bitch.
I need a nap.