when the past comes back and you wanna run like heck...
7:32 p.m. | 2003-02-02
It had been so long that I didn't even recognize him
He knew it too
But he recognized me
He just stood there staring
Holding his girlfriend
He's much taller.
Dresses better.
But it was his eyes that made me realize who he was.
I can't remember the last time I saw him�
9th grade?
He was my first boyfriend.
The one who dated me for 8 months and then dumped me on Valentines Day�
(Hence one of the reasons for my previous entry)
He must have been standing in front of me for 10 minutes.
I was so incredibly oblivious that once I realized that it was him he was already walking out the door.
I'm glad it happened that way.
I just kept my head down and handed him the movies he had bought�
I don't miss him.
Really, I don't
Cause I don't remember anything about him
I don't even remember anything about the time we were together.
Except he wasn't very nice most of the time�
And he never gave me any compliments�
And he never really did anything for me.
I'm glad I learned how to pick my boyfriends better�
That was funny�
K bye.