coffee coffee coffee coffee.....
8:01 p.m. | 2003-02-03
So lately I have developed a new found addiction to coffee.
And no, I'm not talking about that dressed up fufu type coffee from startbucks that tastes more like a bitter chocolate shake than it does of coffee..
I mean REAL coffee.
It all started when I started back at school this last semester. Getting up at 6am when your body isn't used to it can take it's toll.
So I thought I'd give coffee a shot since everyone always reaves about how great it is.
So I did.
And now I NEED it everyday.
So last night when my dad asked me if I wanted anything from the grocery store that he could add to his lists I said...
Coffee filters
And a coffee pot!
He then gave me a disaproving looka nd then went into a 15 minutes nagging about how I was going to die of a heartattack because I was already addicted to chocolate and coca-cola and adding coffee to that list would kill me due to the caffeine intact and blah blah blah....
I listened mindlessly to humor him and then quickly retreated to my room....
There was a knock at my bedroom door about an hour and a half later.
It was my dad who handed me a bag filled with 2 chocolate candy bars...a case of vanilla coke...and my coffee, filters, and pot...
I'm trying to figure out weither my dad bought me all these wonderful goodies because he actually does want me to die of a caffeine heartattack due to some insurance reasons or whatever...
or if he just loves me so much that he doesn't want to deprive me of my addictions....
Well atleast I'll die semi-happy.