Wanna read about the time I flooded my house...
11:37 p.m. | 2003-03-22
I was just trying to help my mom out with some laundry�
That was it!!
I really didn�t mean to flood the house and darn near drowned my dog in the process. Let me start at the beginning�
So last Wednesday I was laying around the house, waiting for 3pm to roll around so I could go back to school for my last class when I went to pet my dog and realized she smelled like butt.
Now, usually I would have just sprayed her with FEBREZE and pushed her out of my room and just let her fester in her odor until my dad got home to give her a bath, but I was feeling helpful that afternoon.
In our laundry room there is a huge washbasin next to the washing machine. We normally just use it to wash the dog but we also have our washer hooked up to wear it drains itself in the basin instead of just through the normal plumbing. (This information will be of some importance later in my sad story)�
So I pick my smelly dog up and toss her in the basin, plug the drain and begin to fill it with water. Everything is going fine. I wash her butt, dry her off, and put her down to run around the house to roll around on the carpet�(Cause that is what she likes to do when she�s wet.)
So yeah,
Then I decided that I should wash the towels that I used instead of just throwing them in a pile for my mom to wash.
So I pick up the towels, toss them in the washer, throw in some soap and press the start button. Then I go back in my room and continue to lie around.
About 35 minutes go by�
And that�s when I heard my sister screaming from the kitchen.
I swear she was screaming like someone was trying to murder her.
I flew off my bed and into the kitchen where I stepped into a two-inch deep pond!
That�s when my dog swam by�
And that�s when I realized that I had forgotten to unplug the washbasin�
Yeah, I flooded my house.
Well, not the whole house, just the laundry room and the kitchen. Luckily the water had not made its way onto my mother�s carpet.
I ran into the laundry room and unplugged the drain just as the rinse cycle of the washing machine finished draining. I was in complete shock. I could not believe I had done something so stupid.
I opened the side door of the house (which is located in the laundry room) and started pushing the water out with a broom.
My sister grabbed another broom and in between her spurts of laughter and ridicule she helped me sweep the water out.
We were both soaked and panicking when we realized that we did not own a mop.
So my sister jumps on the phone to her best friend Michelle and tells her to get over to our house fast and to bring a mop.
So anyway, Michelle arrives with the smallest mop ever created and begins to help up clean.
Oh, did I forget to mention that the entire box of laundry detergent was sitting on the floor beneath the basin at the time of this incident??
Not only was there water everywhere but dirty, soapy, sudsy water.
I ran into the kitchen to see how bad things were in there. My sister had stopped the water from going under the stove but it had already made its way under the refrigerator.
You want to know what�s pathetic�
Three grown girls who are too weak to move a refrigerator�
So finally after trying to push and pull it we just dried up the water around it and hoped that the water underneath would just dry its self�
After two hours, lots of towels, and a trip to the store for a new box of detergent, the three of us had the place back to normal.
Everything was just really shiny.
I figured I could just tell my mom I was on a cleaning spurt that afternoon and I just decided to clean the tile floor really really good.
Well she got home at around four, walked through the kitchen�
And didn�t say one word.
She actually thanked me for cleaning it for her.
I thanked my sister and Michelle for helping me out and bought them ice cream as a repayment.
I also told them that if they even thought about mentioning it to mom or dad I would cut their hair off as they slept.
All and all everything turned out okay.
I figure I will eventually tell my mom what I did.
But not for a very long time�
A very very long time�.