I'm a hermit and I know it!!!
8:10 p.m. | 2003-04-01
I got an email from Brian G tonight.
This is what it said...
Call me sometime because I hardly do anything now too. Hey, I�m leading worship in church (10:40) this Sunday, love to see you. Brian
All I have to say is�
What the crap does he mean by TOO!!!
Is he insinuating that I'm some kind of hermit that just sits around all day wearing pajamas doing nothing except downloading music, updating her pathetic online diary, and eating frozen burritos she bought in bulk at Costco!!!
And is he implying that he in some way feels sorry for me for being a complete loser and wants to make me feel better by stating that he (in all his glory) has also been spending his free time outside of our circle of friends!!!!
Yeah, I know�
I just miss him too�