Hate this place....
8:36 p.m. | 2003-04-06

I�m really not sure what I�ve been trying to accomplish. Not sure exactly why I�m so hell bent on not giving up and letting go. I guess maybe because that would be the reasonable thing to do and being reasonable has never been a strong suit of mine. I don�t like to regret things, and I rarely do but every once in a while reality gets the best of me and I�m left thinking about how much better things would be if I had made a different choice, maybe letting my head have a chance to choose instead of always relying on my heart. I�m only 20, but my heart has never led me down the right path. Ever. It�s just that whenever I come to that bridge and I�m forced to pick which way to go my heart always seems to have a must better idea that appeals to me more than my responsible, bland, and conditioned head�.

But in the end I�m left here�

And I hate this place�

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