Dude Smoochin PeePee Toucher!!!
7:15 p.m. | 2003-04-26
So we got this new guy at work�
All I have to say is �hubba� hubba��
It�s been about six months since we�ve had a good-looking guy working at the store and I have to say it�s about time we had another�
His name is Art.
But I think there is something fishy goin on with him�
Like today for example. We were talking before I got off shift, and he said�and I quote�
�Oh my gosh! Like, I totally can�t believe�blah blah�
And he was wearing a sparkly black belt with stars on it�the same one I�ve seen a girl wear�
When he walked in he did that girly arm in the air, flat handed, vigorously waving at me thing�.
I don�t want to make any rash assumptions but I think our boy Art just might be a dude smoochin peepee toucher�
So sad�so sad�
Now wait!!! Before you go sending me hate mail or sighing my guestbook telling me I�m some gay basher let me just say I LOOOOVVVE GAY PEOPLE!!!
I think they are some of the best people in the world�
Great fashion sense�
Good sense of humor�
Great advice givers�
Just not great for dating�
And that would be my problem�