Another funny story about my disfuntional family....
7:38 p.m. | 2003-05-06
My mother is insane.
I found that out this past week when I actually had to escort her to the dentist to make sure she went. She has been complaining about her aching teeth for months now, but since she is a giant wuss she didn�t go back after they took x-rays last year and told her she would need a lot of work done.
I was so sick of her whining the other day that I actually called the dentist myself. I accidentally hung up on the receptionist three times while my mother chased me around the house trying to take the phone from me.
I won.
And her ass was goin to the dentist the next day.
I missed class to take her cause she was too scared to go by herself. When we got to the dentist, she slowly got out of the car and followed me in to the office. The receptionist was busy when we got there, so I waited patiently to check my mother in while she stood nervously beside me. I started looking around the room at all the pretty smiling pictures hanging on the wall when all of the sudden I looked beside me, and my mother was gone.
Quickly I turned around and glanced out the window just in time to see my mother run across the parking lot back towards the car.
She was trying to escape!!!
I bolted out the door after her and caught her right before she opened the car door.
(This is when she spouted evil not so nice things at me while I took her keys and told her to get her butt back inside and sit down.)
Everyone was staring at us as we entered the building again. I just kinda smiled and laughed nervously as I approached the front desk.
I signed her in, and went to sit down next to her when I realized she was gone again!!!
I looked around, and after walking around the corner of the waiting room I found her leaning against the wall next to the water fountain.
�What�s wrong ma?� I asked.
�I�m dizzy�� she stuttered.
I started laughing, which I probably shouldn�t have done because she shot me the ugliest die-whore-die look I�ve ever seen.
After about 5 minutes I got her sat back down and gave her a magazine, which she carelessly flipped through.
A few minutes later the receptionist called her name.
She didn�t move.
Again, the receptionist called my mother.
I glanced over at my mother.
�Ma, she�s calling you,� I whispered.
�I know,� she snapped.
I looked down at her hands that were clinched so tightly around the arms of the chairs that her knuckles her white.
It took two hygienists, the receptionist, and myself to pry her out of the chair and in to the back.
�She�s a little nervous,� I explained �She�s ah�um�she hates you guys.�
�I HATE YOU!� she screamed
Haha�yea, that was probably the best part of my day.
It took about 30 minutes before my mother flung open the door, rushed towards the exit and quickly walked out in to the parking lot.
Luckily she wasn�t going to go very far because I still had her keys�
I talked to the dentist and apparently my mother needs a root canal, three teeth pulled, a cavity filled, and a bridge put in.
Oh joy.
I called my grandmother when I got home and let her know that she was the one that was going to have to take my mother back.
(This is when grandma spouted evil not so nice things at me.)
I love my family.