A blast from the past and Brian thinks I'm hot...
1:06 a.m. | 2003-05-09
Its emails like this that make me realize I�m loved�
Hey Krys,
Wow, what a huge pleasure to see the absolutely gorgeous Krystle!! Stunning! It�s was nice to see you but I want to see you more often. I totally blame myself for the breakdown in communication. So, after this weekend (because I have a paper due) we'll all go to a show (at chain reaction or somewhere) or just hang out at starbucks. Ok. Well, I�ll let you go for now but not for long! Talk to you later. Bye
I stopped by his work today to say hi. I guess he enjoyed that�. I am overjoyed at the fact that he referred to me as Krys and not Krystle. Only my closest friends call me Krys. Brian has never done that before until this email�.J
In other news�
So there�s this guy named Jess. I haven�t seen his since Graduation and I wasn�t planning on seeing him again until he IMed me out of the blue today and asked to hang out�.
You see, Jess and I kind of had this �thing� at our Grad night at Disneyland. I don�t know how it happened or what I was thinking but half way through the night we were walking around together holding hands and I remember wanting him to kiss me�
After that night he tried calling me once but I didn�t really ever see him again because of graduation. Apparently he�s been asking Elias about me and Elias was the one that gave him my screen name.
Jess is a real sweet guy. He�s cute, kinda punk rock. Drives a Volkswagen bug and plays in a band. Best of all�he�s hilarious.
He went with me to the mall while I made an appointment for my sister to get her makeup done for prom. We walked around, and that is when I went in to see if Brian was working. (Hence the reason for the email above�)
When I went to drop him off he asked if we could hang out again. I said okay�.
Whatever�why not?
I figure I can just hang out with Jess whenever Elias is at work or school.