Goldy went Crazy and dyed her lockz...
2:56 p.m. | 2003-05-12
So I finally did the unthinkable.
After 20 years of refusing to do anything to my hair besides wash it and trim it regularly on a whim of boredom Elias and I jumped in the car and down to the store to get some hair dye.
oh yea.
That's right.
Goldy wanted to dye her lockz...
Not sure why I all of the sudden decided to do it but I believe it had something to do with Elias begging me to lighten it because...and I quote..."Ohmigod you would be so hot I'd bone you."
um, yeah.
Not lookin to "bone" anything at the momment but the compliment was enough to make me consider it.
we were at the store FOREVER!
He knew the exact color he wanted my hair to be but after I got down there and realized just how permanent this would be I freaked out and headed for the door.
And I'm sure I would have made it that far if Elias wasn't holding me down.
That's when he grabbed my hair and started dragging me around comparing it to all the little fake hair samples on the shelves.
I felt like a moron.
It took us twenty minutes to settle on the compromise that if we bought the dye and he simply high lighted my hair instead of completely dyeing it I would do it. THEN if I ended up liking the high lights I would let him dye everything. BUT if I didn't like it he would find a color that matches my natural color and dye it back...
I said fine.
This is the color he chose...
So we got home and I sat down and after him repeatedly reassuring me that everyone would be okay I let him high light my hair...
And guess what....
All it did was make it shiny.
You can't even tell that I did anything to it.
We were so pissed. He said it was probably because it was just high lights he did and because the dye was so close to my natural color.
So now he's coming back over on wednesday and we are dyeing my whole head.
And it better work this time damnit!!!