second times a charm and I should really invest in a trash can....
12:08 a.m. | 2003-05-13
So right after I posted the last entry (which you should probably read before this one otherwise you are going to be lost and not understanding what the crap I�m talking about) Elias left and I sat here still kinda bummed that the dye didn�t do much to my hair�
Two hours later there was a knock on my front door.
Elias was back and determined to dye my hair again. Apparently he couldn�t wait until Wednesday like we had planned�
This time we dyed my whole head
My mom freaked out on Elias when she realized what we were doing.
She begged us not to do it.
Pleaded with Elias to just leave my hair alone.
Elias just stood there laughing.
He�s sucha good sport.
We did it anyway. And to my surprise the color took to my hair this time. It gave it a red tint. Almost like a strawberry blonde.
Of course it didn�t look like that while it was still wet which is when I first saw it and almost beat the crap out of Elias for turning my hair burgundy.
But I really love it.
My mom said she couldn�t see a difference.
Neither can my dad.
But they are both old and half blind so their opinions don�t really count.
So yeah, it�s basically my exact natural color with a slight strawberry tint to it.
I�m so hot.
If I were a guy, I�d want me�
Oh yea�
In other news�
I have found that it takes exactly four days for an open packet of ranch dressing from a fast food joint to go bad while lying in the back of a vehicle in a take out bag that you forgot to throw away�
My truck smells like butt now.