I'm so not J-Lo...and Eli is too sexy in low-rise...
11:34 p.m. | 2003-05-13
One more week of school!!
I could not be more ecstatic.
Plans for summer, you ask?
Just work, lots of Internet, and probably a few thousand hours of watching TV from the confinement of my room.
Did I mention Eli and me are gonna start going to a tanning salon?
Well we are.
Cause I�m so pale and sick looking it�s not even funny. And Elias just wants to get a good base tan going.
I heard of this place that is down the street called Mystic Tan. Apparently that is the place Jennifer Aniston and some other famous people prefer to tan.
But Elias said he ain�t down with no mist
Apparently he�d rather fry.
We just got back from the mall.
One thing you must always remember while shopping with Elias is that he makes you try on EVERYTHING!
This includes items of clothing you would never otherwise even glance at.
He made me try on this black tube top dress that ties up the sides that he saw at Express.
It was so sad.
I don�t do dresses.
My poor white legs can�t take it.
That�s when he moved on to jeans and INSISTED that I wore two sizes smaller than I actually do. When I told him there was no way I�d be able to fit in them, his response�
�I don�t care I want them tight.�
Well okay then.
Turns out they freakin� fit and now I really want them.
Damn him and his eye for fashion!!!
I also humored him by trying on those hideous boots he wants me to buy.
He almost had an orgasm.
Speaking of orgasms, I almost had one when I made him try on a pair of men�s low-rise boot cut jeans.
You just haven�t seen sexy until you�ve seen Eli in some low-rise jeans�
The conversation�.
Me: You need to get some sexy low-rise jeans that hang really really low.
Elias: Why so you can see my butt?
Me: No, not your�. butt�
He also made me try on a bunch of J-Lo brand clothes, which apparently only look good if you have a body like J-Lo and according to the price tag, can only be afforded by J-Lo.
Neither of us ended up buying anything.
Cause we be broke.
I�m tired.