A long entry about how sucky my job is becoming and the sighting of an ex fling...
6:09 p.m. | 2003-05-15
Things at work are getting so stupid.
Not only are they threatening to fire anyone who does not take a complete 30-minute break per ever five+ hour shift, they are threatening to fire Adriana too if she lets it happen.
This means that even if you clock out for 29 minutes, you could be terminated.
Tell me this isn�t some major Bull-caca.
But that�s not all.
Starting next week we are no longer going to be closing at midnight, we now close at 1am. Apparently corporate doesn�t realize that customer flow normally stops for us each night around 10:30pm-11:00pm�
So in actuality, the intelligent thing to do is have the store close at 11pm instead of midnight.
But noooooo
They hate us and are greedy money hungry bastards who will stay open two additional hours after business stops JUST INCASE they can make a few bucks off some lame fat guy who stumbles in the store at 12:15am because he has nothing better to do than wander through the soft porn in the Drama section�
I honestly can�t wait until Adriana, Johanna, and I move to the new location. It�s going to be an extra ten-minute drive each day but I refuse to stay behind if Adriana transfers stores.
She is honestly the best boss in the world. And I�m not just saying that because she reads this and I like to kiss butt or anything. She really cares about her employees and her work. That�s not easy to find in a supervisor.
In other news�
Yesterday I saw DJ.
Yummy, yummy DJ�
My ex-boyfriend DJ�
Actually I wouldn�t even call him an ex. He was more of an after school play time partner.
Oh yes�.
Out of all the boys I�ve kissed, DJ is the best hands down. Nobody kisses like DJ, and believe me, I've kissed my share of boys...
You just have no idea�
We live around the corner from each other. We became friends in middle school and continued to run with the same crowd up until sophomore year.
He was a skateboarder in a group of about ten other skaters that lived in our neighborhood. I was the only girl. I hung around with them often which wasn�t such a bad thing�*grins*�
They�d come over to my house, and we�d sit outside or down the street just talking and hanging out until the streetlights came on and DJ had to go home. That usually broke up the group. Once DJ left the rest of us would just sit around until we all got bored and wondered home.
I remember DJ teaching me how to skateboard. We�d all go down to the Civic Center where there were lots of ramps and steps and things. I�d stand on his board and he�d run along beside me holding my waist�.
I�d always pretend to fall.
I was devious like that.
It worked cause we walked home holding hands.
We kissed on my front porch.
We were like that for about a month. And then again during the summer of our sophmore year. He was the reason my dad learned to knock on my bedroom door.
It�s been almost two years since I�ve seen or spoken to him and I almost didn�t recognize him. He�s gained some weight, which isn�t unusual for him. He always got a little heavy during high school when it wasn�t football season.
I usually notice his truck parked not too far from mine on Mondays and Wednesdays when I go to my 4pm class.
Sometimes I leave anonymous notes on his windshield. I used to do it in high school too so I know he knows it�s me.
I didn�t say anything to him yesterday.
Mainly because he was talking to Abraham who just so happens to be another former skater and one of my ex after school play partners�
What can I say? I had a thing for boys with baggy jeans and skinned elbows�
I found this picture of us on the last day of school our senior year. We were standing next to a floor fan so my hair looks all stupid�
I really wouldn�t mind talking to him again�
Or maybe I would�.