The wonder that is Ernie and Elias...
10:46 p.m. | 2003-06-05
So, guess what I did last night at around midnight in Elias�s bedroom�
Go ahead, guess�
If you are as perverted as I am you would have automatically snickered to yourself and perhaps even thought,�Goldy got some!!� But alas, you would be wrong�
Elias is sucha tight ass�
It would take the Jaws of Life to get in that boys pants�
I know, I�ve tried�
I actually cut my hair all off�
Six whole inches.
I don�t know what�s come over me lately. First I try and dye it, now I chop it off.
Goldy�s gone over to the dark side�
So yea.
Ernie was over at Elias�s last night.
Ernie went to high school with Elias and I, and to be honest I think I said about two words to him the entire time we went there. Him and Elias were close, and now Ernie works as a hair stylist down in Beverly Hills at a place called Planet Salon.
If you are one of my usual reads you will recall an entry I wrote a few months ago in which a routine visit to the local beauty parlor left me in ruins and tears and contemplating moving to Zimbabwe and changing my name because I looked so bad�
It�s been growing out, but I still have this mushroom head thing going on and I never went back to get it fixed. Ernie saw this picture of me and after Elias told him the story of how I got butchered, he felt sorry for me and asked if I wanted to come over and see if he could fix it.
I thought, what the heck.
I believe Ernie�s exact words were�
�With a face like that you deserve nothing but the best��
He�s a big fat smelly liar, but awwww�.
So Anyway, apparently my hair was a lot worse than I first thought. He started showing me where all the mistakes were and I began to realize how horrible I must have looked the last few months and how I so badly wanted to kick everyone who didn�t tell me so.
Then he went on to tell me that I would look hot with shorter hair and more layers. I trusted him, so I told him to do whatever he wanted�
After Ernie was done working his magic, Elias started working his�
The three of us hopped in my truck and drown the 150 feet to my house so Elias could do my make up.
Then it was time for pictures�
Oh goodie.
You know, one Elias is a hand full, but TWO! Good Lord!
Ernie is just as bad. Both of them messed with my hair until every strand was perfect before moving and posing me and taking picture after picture.
I so loved it.
The end results�
So what do ya think?