6:22 p.m. | 2003-06-15
Last night was my MATCHBOX TWENTY CONCERT BABY!!!!!!
After three long months of gazing at my ticket that sat on my dresser, patiently waiting to be ripped and stuck in my back pocket as I entered the STAPLES CENTER, finally faced it�s destiny.
I was so excited and the concert was so freakin awesome.
Sugar Ray opened for them�
It was the second time I�ve seen Sugar Ray in concert.
Mark�s so hot I can�t even stand it.
There was an inferno in my underwear the entire time he was on stage�
Lisa Loeb was there too�
She has the sexiest voice ever�
But then MATCHBOX TWENTY came on and I was forced to jump up and down and play my air guitar�
Ash went with me.
She didn�t seem like she was that entertained�
I guess Brian G was leaving today for vacation up at some lake and she was so antsy to go home and see him before he left that she didn�t even act like she wanted to be there�
I guess I don�t blame her�*pause*�
That�s a damn lie! How the crap are you going to go to a MATCHBOX TWENTY concert and be preoccupied with a stupid boy who you see every freakin day anyway�
But I guess that�s how it is when you start a new relationship�
I guess�
It�s been awhile since I�ve been in a relationship where I felt like that�
In fact, I don�t think I�ve ever felt like that�
Which is probably a good thing cause if I were at a MATCHBOX TWENTY concert and was too busy thinking about my boyfriend I would shoot myself�
I just better not here ONE FREAKIN WORD out of her mouth about her and I not spending enough time together...
She was so ready to leave that when MATCHBOX went off to take a break before coming back on for the encore, she stood up and put on her jacket and picked up her purse�
She swore they weren�t coming back on because they took longer than 10 seconds�
I was going to seriously smack her if she thought I was going to leave before they came back on and sang PUSH�
And after three minutes of me jumping up and down, screaming, and swinging my hair they came back on stage and sang three more songs�
One of which was PUSH�
I�ll never forget what Rob said right before he played UNWELL�
�Everyone in this world is a little F*ed up. But there are those people who know they are and except it, and then there are those poor bastards who pretend they aren�t and hope that no one will notice.�
I clapped so hard�
Ashley couldn�t take the profanity though. I don�t think there has ever been a time in her life where she has heard the F-word used so often in such a short period of time�
After about the third time that dirty little word was muttered, Ashley disappeared.
It took me a few minutes to realize that she was on her knees praying�
But then Rob said goodbye and the lights started to come back up, and I was forced to put my pants back on�
15 minutes later we were home�
Ashley drove and she had her Brian Radar on�
When I got home I got online to see if Elias was home from his party yet, but he wasn�t�
I was sure he was drunk somewhere humping that Salina girl he used to work with that has a six-year-old kid�
He�s all madly in love with her�
Then I went to bed�