Happy Fourth of July.....it sucks....
4:32 p.m. | 2003-07-04
In regards to my last entry, Elias left this wonderful little note in my guestbook...
entry 163
you: Elias
mail: [email protected]
your url:
talk to me:
KRYSTLE DAMN YOU!!!...I'm never telling you anything again. If dreams are really hopes and desires of our subconscious minds then next time I am going to dream of me murdering you... How do you like that? Anyways... Now that the world knows my personal life..."Happy 4th of July!" 2 anyone that reads this :P
date: 4:48 pm - Friday,July 4, 2003
I love him...
He is honestly the main source of humor in my life...
In other news...
I just got off work 23 minutes ago and I have NOTHING to do tonight...
Isn't that the saddest thing you've ever heard?
Fourth of July and I will be sitting in my room all night watching Vin Diesel movies and eating whatever the crap I find in the kitchen..
PLUS I have the WHOLE house to myself...
Dad went out of town, Mom went to Grandmas, and only God knows where my sister is...
Happy Independence Day everyone...