My Fourth Blew....but Elias didn't....dang it...
8:19 p.m. | 2003-07-06
Well, my Fourth of July blew�
And not it a good way�
I got home from work and got ready to go somewhere just incase one of my friends remembered me and called�
Yeah, no one did.
Except Lisa, but by that time I was already in my pajama�s, had washed off my makeup, and put my hair in a pony tail�
By ten I was so bored and trying desperately not to gouge my eyes out with a fork that I decided to go to the movies�
I saw Charlie�s Angels Full Throttle�
God, I wish I hadn�t�
I walked out of there feeling like I wasted 8 bucks and two hours of my life�
And although I thoroughly enjoyed watching three sexy women kick villain butt in mini skirts and stilettos heels, the �plot� and �storyline� was so sporadic and mind numbing I couldn�t even stand it�
On a different note, my parents are insane.
And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
EVERY FREAKIN SUMMER they decide to do something to the house�
Things that don�t even need to be done.
And most important, things that inconvenience me!!!
This summer we are painting the entire inside�. again�getting all new windows put in�carpeting the bathroom�again�having the rest of the carpet in the house steam cleaned�. again�AAANNNDDDD�we are getting all new furniture in the living room�AGAIN!!!!
The entire inside of the house was painted just a couple of summers ago. There is absolutely no reason to re-paint everything except for the fact my mother wants all different colors in all the different rooms of the house.
I�ve seen the new colors�
I will now be living in Pee-Wee�s playhouse�
The only room in the house that actually needs painting is my room. It hasn�t been painted in about ten years, mainly because I always find a way to fight my parents off when summer comes and they get bored�
I�m going to give in this year�
Mainly because I don�t have to do any of the work�
And when it comes to the new windows being put in, I get to get out of that one too�
Luckily for me, I have a sliding glass door in my room that leads out into the back yard and we just got a new sliding door put in a three summers ago�
Today I went with my mother to look at new furniture�
I got so frustrated with her horrid taste that I walked out of the store and left her dull pastel lovin� butt there�
She chased after me�And finally told me that she would let me pick out everything for the front room�
I thanked her greatly for not turning our house into an embarrassment�
She told me to F-off�
So now I got my work cut out for me�
I have some ideas, but I want to ask my dad first before I go nuts. He�s out of town right now, and I�m still not sure he�s aware of what he is in for when he gets back�
All I have to say is that the final product will be sophisticated, elegant, and not pastels�
I think I�m going to take Elias shopping with me�
He loves this kind of stuff�
Speaking of Elias�
I swear to Buda, he is the biggest tease in the whole freakin� universe�
Of course he says the same thing about me�BUT THAT�S BESIDE THE POINT!!!�
I dunno how much longer I can take it�
All I know is that I have to change my underwear frequently�
And I like when he wears mess basketball shorts�
Oh yes�