I can't find my pants...
5:23 p.m. | 2003-07-22
I don�t know about this summer blowing worse than Anna Nicole Smith after one too many martini olives, but it seriously needs to stop�
I don�t think there has ever been a more boring period in my life�
I haven�t done jack all summer.
Or anyone else for that matter�
(That was seriously not intentionally�)
I went to the movies today and saw HOW TO DEAL�
It was cute�
Mandy Whore is quite the little actress�
I almost choked up when granny was trying to tell Mandy all about love right after she got done smoking a doobie�
In other news there isn�t a darn thing going on with me.
Hence the lack in frequent updates�
I need to find a life before I lose all my readers�
You people need to sign my guestbook or something more often�
I gets lonely�