It's so nice when boys go out of town...
7:33 p.m. | 2003-07-27
So I�ve actually been able to spend time with Ashley this week and I can�t help but think that it had something to do with the fact that Brian was out of town�
Even though she SWEARS that�s not the reason�
Yea ok�
But I�m not complaining. I know that�s what happens when your best friend starts dating someone. You get the back seat. Sometimes the trunk if it�s a double date and you are the fifth wheel�
And she wonders why I refuse to hang out with them together.
Don�t get me wrong I love Brian to pieces. He�s one of the greatest guys I�ve ever met and I can only hope that one day I will be able to find someone just like him, but there is no way on God�s green earth that I will subject myself to the torture and stomach pains of spending time with the both of them together�
Brian alone�fine�
Ashley alone�fine�
Brian and Ashley together = sever indigestion and the need for a tranquillizer�
I think we spent a total of four days this week together. Went night swimming one day, had lunch with her parents and then hung out by the pool and tried to tan my transparent albino lookin butt another day, Visited the Scott family and ate at Denny�s another day, watched �Last Comic Standing� and ate cheeseburgers the day after that�
Nothing really productive or important�
But it was still fun.
Brian needs to leave more often. And I do believe I will let him know this when I email him later�