To Afghanistan and back in less than four hours with a bonus picture that is sure to embarrass Elias greatly...
4:25 p.m. | 2003-07-29
So Elias calls me this morning and asks if I would like to accompany him to the doctor�s office for his appointment to get his vaccinations so they let him back in school�
For some reason I found this humorous�
They think he has cooties�
I said fine, cause I had nothing better to do other than watch morning talk shows and lay in bed�
But what he didn�t tell me was that after the doctor�s appointment he also wanted me to go with him to freakin Afghanistan and back to do everything else he had to do for school�
We had to go pick up papers, fill out papers, sign papers, drop off papers, stand in lines, walk here, walk there, wait somewhere else, pay for something else�
I was ready to hurt him badly.
I was starving and a blister was starting to form on my left foot.
Finally after forever and a day he takes me to eat.
I was fine after that.
And this entry really sucks but it�s funny how me and Elias could have a really crappy day doing really crappy things and I still enjoy myself enough to want to write about it in here�
It�s cause he so damn sexy�
Speaking of him being sexy�I have found a new picture of him that he will probably beat me for showing you�
So here it is�
This is obviously from a very long time ago. I think maybe from middle school because I remember him having long hair then. I'm glad someone finally told him it wasn't kool...
Ok I think that�s it�