Elias says some of the sweetest things...and a reconnection with an old friend...
10:17 a.m. | 2003-08-05
I'm so in love with Elias...
I got home from work yesterday, after having the crappiest day since...well, the last time I worked and I get on the internet to check my mail and I then hit diaryland to read my usuals...
I go to Elias's Diary...
And I swear, I almost started crying...
This is what he wrote...
Well, I did it again...
I didn't take Krystle her movie back on time and now I have to pay a late fee.
Krystle works at Blockbuster Video. You'd think she'd be able to ride off any late fees considering she works there but no, she can't.
I'd have her ride off my balance of 30 something dollars that I haven't paid in like a century.
I love her to death. I really do and it might not seem like it by the way she decribes our relationship, but I think she is one of my most awesome friends and outspokenly horny one at that. She'll do just about anything for me and that's what I love about her. like the time we drove around all over the planet just to find me coconut pineapple icecream at midnight.
She even ate octopus for me...
See... my thing with her is that I want her to experience new things, and not be so traditional. She is sometimes very hesitant but I can usually get my way with her. Like the time I de-virginized her with Magic Mountain and made her get on all the "sca-wee" rides much to her refusal. That was fun until she almost died.
But then there are things that drive me nuts about her...
Like her laugh, oh god! It's like a cross between a crows cackle and a horse in heat. There are other things but the list would be endless. j/k
Whenever we're together we have a great time... We could be doing the dumbest thing and it would still be fun. I guess it's our off-the-wall humour that makes our days happy and keeps our friendship strong.
I swear, I don't know what I'd do without Elias. He's one of my best friends and the only person in my life that I never get tired of...
well, I really don't have any other news...
In regards to my last entry, God did answer back...in the form of a guestbook entry....
You diaryland people are nuts!