Fo Sheezy....
1:22 p.m. | 2003-08-25
GoLdy LoCKz 22: Hey Elias...on Wednesday I have to bring an object to my speech class that best represents me...but I have no idea what to bring.... got any ideas?
DiRtYSoD76: um...
GoLdy LoCKz 22: like when you think of me...what object comes to mind?
DiRtYSoD76: a dildo
GoLdy LoCKz 22: Babes, if we were the only two people left on the planet? Could we have sex then?
DiRtYSoD76: yes, we could then
GoLdy LoCKz 22: ok just checkin�
GoLdy LoCKz 22: what if we were the only two people drunk at a certain location late at night....could we have sex then?
DiRtYSoD76: possibly
GoLdy LoCKz 22: ok just checkin�
GoLdy LoCKz 22: ok well what if we were around the corner from each other at midday on a Monday and I was horny?
DiRtYSoD76: no Krystle
DiRtYSoD76: just no�
I think I'm wearing him down...