I am going to staple his wallet to his forehead....
4:27 p.m. | 2003-09-02
Elias has a serious problem with losing stuff and not remembering where the crap he leaves things�
He is forever unable to keep his wallet in a place that he can remember.
EVERYTIME I go over there to pick his sorry sack up he is searching frantically for his wallet.
Even if I REMIND him to start looking 20 minutes before I get here, he is still scavenging for it when I show up�
And of course when he does eventually find it, it is never in a normal place.
Next to the kitchen sink�
Under his bed�
Under the couch�
Under the passenger seat of his sister�s car that is inevitably two cities away in the parking lot of her work�
Up his butt�
I would seriously buy him a wallet chain if I thought he�d actually use it.
But the funniest part is watching him look for it.
He starts talking to himself�
Retracing his steps�
Reciting the conversation he had with who ever was around him when he last saw his wallet�
He�s a moron�
And it�s not just his wallet�
It�s everything.
He can�t find his Sean Paul CD right now either�
And don�t bother asking where his house keys are�
Other than making fun of Elias I really don�t have anything else to write about so I think I�m going to go take a nap now�