Two conversations about grilled cheese and Switchfoot....
9:38 p.m. | 2003-10-06
I swear I just had this conversation:
Me: Hello?
Arlo: KRYSTLE!!!
Arlo: AGGHGH!!!!
* long pause*
Arlo: hey, what�s the name of that band?
Me: What band?
Arlo: You know the one with the video�it�s a buncha guys�it goes��LALALALALA�soooo much mooore�
Me: Switchfoot.
Arlo: aguugh�thanks bye.
Arlo is a strange man�
I also had this conversation with my mother last night while I was in the kitchen making a grilled cheese sandwich�
Mom: What the hell are you doing?
Me: A science experiment involving cheese and the concept of melting�
Mom: You are getting the stove all dirty! Look there are crumbs everywhere!!! LOOK!! The cheese is melting on the skillet!!! That�s going to be murder to scrap off!!! Why are you eating anyway?!! I just made dinner an hour ago!!! YOU DIDN�T LIKE MY CHICKEN!!! I don�t know why I bother cooking anyway!!! No one ever eats it!!! You all just come home and dirty the kitchen making something else!!!
*long pause*
Me: You want one?
Mom: yah�