My week in a nutshell of boredom and lack of anything better to do...
8:27 p.m. | 2003-10-19
This last past week has been a complete blur with basically no accomplishments whatsoever.
Last Sunday: Church in the morning, headache in the afternoon, but dad helped me fix that with a couple of happy pills and a shot of brandy. Then I went to Tyler�s and watched movies all night.
Monday: Didn�t go to class since my butt was dragging from being up all night with Tyler. Attempted to wash my truck when I woke up that afternoon but decided against it for the sake of intriguing daytime TV�
Tuesday: Worked in the morning then came home and tried to nap with no success. Watched movies until Tyler got home from work and then chatted with him on the net until 3am�
Wednesday: Was able to get my butt to class on time but fell short of actually paying attention. Good thing Ashley sits behind me and takes good notes. Came home to Stacy who had devastating news for me�broke my heart�. Had to get my mind off of things so I made my second attempt at washing my truck and would have actually succeeded if Tyler hadn�t of stopped by�Went to church that night and then came home and sat on the net working jigsaw puzzles until Tyler got off work and suggested we take a drive somewhere�anywhere�we were both worried about Stacy and we both have a hard time sleeping anyway�
Thursday: Took my mother to pick up the rest of the new living room furniture she ordered but ended up getting lost in Anaheim. I was sooo ready to kick her out of my truck and leave her on the freeway on ramp and probably would have if she hadn�t of promised to buy me lunch. Tyler stopped by in the afternoon to see my mom since it�s been like, two and a half years. Then we went to Target and got the new Clay Aiken CD since I love him more than ice cream. Dicked around the store for awhile and played football in the sports isle until Tyler knocked a bunch of stuff over and then we went by our old high school to check out the freshmen football team and ended up seeing our old coaches and teachers. They all had funny looks on their faces seeing us together. I would have too. Went to work that night and then to Tyler�s for another movie night that ended at 4am�
Friday: Got up that afternoon and finally washed my truck. Did some laundry and changed my bed sheet to my favorite blue ones. Checked up on Stacy then went by myself to my Church�s double-header baseball game. Sat in boredom as we shut out the other team in a mercy game by the fourth inning. Twice. Got a phone call from Tyler midway through the second game and ended up going to the movies with him to see School of Rock which, in my opinion WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE�. EVER. Ended up at Tyler�s house again to watch more movies and have long conversations about touchy subjects as we sat out in my truck at 2am�
Saturday: Struggled to get to work on time where I had a crappy day since the big cheese of our corporate office or whatever decided to stop by with this sorry looking elf type dude who stood around and watched me do my work for an hour and then made comments to me on how he thinks I could improve. I wanted desperately to shove a DVD up his butt sideways�but I refrained for the sake of the DVD�came home and tried again to take a nap with no luck. Got scolded from my dad for the lack of baked goods I�ve supplied lately. Took a long drive since there was nothing good on TV. Got a call from Tyler at around 11:30pm from his uncle�s house. Got two more calls after that and then a final one at 2:30am when he decided to come by my house on his way home from his uncle�s. We fell asleep at around 4am�
Today: Missed church since Tyler was still here. He left at around 11am and I finished some homework and cleaned a little before I finally was able to take a nap. Went to the grocery store with my dad and then came home to sit around and do nothing, and here I am�
I�m a loser. And I watch too many movies�