wasting my pretty days....
9:45 p.m. | 2003-11-02
Have you ever had one of those days where you just felt pretty?
Yesterday I got off work and came home and took a shower and did my makeup and fixed my hair and put on my favorite pair of jeans and a cute t-shirt and then I looked in the mirror and I swear I was the hottest thing I�d ever seen. Really.
Then I sat down at my computer�
And I sat there�
For 7 hours.
See, this is what I get for preferring books and electronic devices over human contact...
I end up wasting all my pretty days�
In other news�
I saw Elias today for the first time in about three weeks.
We went shopping and to Starbucks and held hands and loved each other and then we went home.
I miss him.
Tyler thinks Elias stopped calling me because he came back in the picture.
I think Tyler just wants to think he�s special enough to make Elias jealous, which I don�t believe is the case�
At least I hope not.
And that�s all I have to say�.