my dream analysis of the talking cats and the snakes and the lots of garbage in my garage...
10:43 a.m. | 2003-11-15
So I usually don�t remember my dreams.
And when I do wake up and for some reason something pops back into my head that I dreamt the night before, it�s usually sporadic thoughts that have no theme or any direct meaning to myself�
Last night I dreamt about stray cats in my garage that talked to me and a snake that I saw in my garden that bit me in the back as I turned from it to continue talking to my stray cats�
And there was trash.
I was taking out a lot of trash�
That is how I noticed the cats cause they were all up in my garbage�
Talking to me�
I�m starting to appreciate the fact that I DON�T usually remember this crap�
Anyway, so I got up the morning and crawled out of bed and the two feet it takes to get into my computer chair and decided that it would be a fun idea to go online and look up one of those dream dictionary sites and see what it says about my dream�
Well ok.
So I decide to look up snakes first�
Snake: A snake, being the ages old symbol of evil or Satan, makes it a bad omen to have one show up in a dream. To see a lone snake and feel threatened by it shows that you have a bad enemy that is even then working against you, it is also a warning against bodily harm from an enemy. Should you overcome and kill a threatening snake in your dream shows that you will overcome your adversary and win out.
And to think my life was starting to get better�
The wonderful thing is I don�t remember killing the stupid snake. All I remember doing is yelling as I�m holding one of those stupid talking cats until my dad came outside with my sister and pried the snake off my back and that was it.
And another wonderful thing is that I don�t really think I HAVE any enemies�
Sure, not too many people like me, but c�mon, I don�t really know of anyone off hand that wants to do bodily harm to me�
But I�m usually wrong about this stuff so let�s move on, shall we�
Lots of cats.
Like six of them�
All of them could talk�
And carry on very good conversation might I add�
Cats: Dreaming of a cat is a generally unfortunate omen and it shows treachery as well as a run of bad luck. If you chase the cat away you will overcome your adversaries or turn your bad luck into good. For the cat lovers who dream of cats you have a whole new meaning....if the cat is beautiful you will meet an attractive person who will become your mate. If the cat scratches you then will you meet with treachery and deceit.
Dang it!!!
And to think instead of chasing the stupid cats away in my dream I was enjoying conversing with them�
And the worst part is I�m not really a cat lover.
They are okay and I can tolerate them but I�m not like, loving them to the point where I want to be an 80-year-old wrinkly lady with ten of them or anything�
If their hair didn�t get all over every damn thing I�d probably like them a lot more�
But yea.
Moving on�
I was throwing out tons of garbage�
Garbage: Dreaming that you are throwing away your garbage, suggest that you are kicking away your old negative habits and throwing away your bad characteristics and unwanted traits. Seeing piles of garbage in your dream forewarn a scandal and that you need to change your old ways and bad habits.
I swear, this dream is getting better and better�
Since that is where I was throwing my garbage and where I met the nice cats, I thought I�d see what a garage happened to mean�
Garage: Dreaming that you are in a garage means a period of inactivity or idleness in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance towards achieving your goals�
Stupid Dream!!
I�ve ALWAYS been Idle and inactive and I�ve NEVER had any direction and I don�t even HAVE any goals!!!
Looks like nothing is pulling me down there!!
One point for me for already being useless and unmotivated�
My dad.
He came when I yelled and got that evil snake off my back�
Dad must mean a good thing in a dream�
Father: Seeing your father in your dream suggest that you need to be more self-reliant�
Dude, now this is where I draw the line. Just cause Daddy pays for my truck payment and my cell phone bill and college and just cause I still live with him and he feeds me and pays for my DSL and buys me clothes and all that good stuff doesn�t mean I rely completely on him�
Be more self-reliant.
My back. The snake bit me on my back.
Back: Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love.
Well no shit.
Except no one is jealous of me.
But the love thing I can understand.
I love him, he doesn�t love me. Sounds like opposition.
So okay, there is just one more thing. I just had to find out what talking animals meant�
Animals that talk: Generally speaking, talking animals represent superior forms of intelligence and are spiritually more important.
So does that mean that stray cats are smarter than me?
Cause that�s sad.