drunken no0kie2
7:55 p.m. | 2003-12-02
YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! all ya mofos...
This is the "ONE". If you don't know me by now you don't need to. I was the one that started it all!!! hee hee, I don't know if that's for sure but it sounded good.
I'm sitting here drinking with the birthday girl right now were all you mothers should be!!!!!
"You can take the boy out of the white trash but you can't take the white trash out of the boy!!!!" Mike Ness
YAAAAAAAY What do you do when you get caught???
Well it's been well, I'm over and out!
The above was written by Tyler. Don't ask me what he was trying to get across with half the stuff he said because frankly, beer does weird things to you. But we look cute. so there.