Christmas shopping sucks...and Tyler is a dork...
12:23 a.m. | 2003-12-16
I don�t really have anything to talk about other than the fact that I�m the worst Christmas shopper ever�
I have been to three different malls in one week and each trip ended with me frustrated and not having one person on my Christmas list crossed off�
Everyone is getting giftcards this year and they are going to love them�
Well almost everyone is getting giftcards�
Today after class I decided to give the mall one more shot before I declared my shopping skills equal to that of a monkeys ass�
By the time I left I had spent more money than I wish to think about�
I�m broke and sad cause nothing I bought was for myself, and frankly I�m greedy and self-centered like that�
I hung out with Tyler tonight.
Not really.
His dad decided to ask me AGAIN if Tyler and I were dating. Of course he did this while Tyler was in the other room and instead of just shaking my head no and declaring that in fact we were NOT together again, I instead stuck out my tongue and told him that his son was a moron�
He got the point.
Tyler has this habit of wiping off my kisses because he hates the feeling of lip-gloss�
I HATE it.
The other day his mother was leaving for work and she kissed him on the cheek and he immediately wiped it away�
�See,� he said loudly. �I wipe my mom�s kisses away too�.
I swear.
I just love the fact that he tries so hard to keep things secret but still ends up inadvertently letting his mom know we make out�
Not to mention that he spends the night a lot.
I was a little weirded out the other night when his dad called his cell and asked if he�d be coming home or staying the night again�
I guess I just never thought about his parent�s reaction to him staying with me until they actually acknowledged it�
I dunno.
I just sleep better when he�s here.
Things just, feel better.
Except his morning wood in my thigh�